Saturday, October 31, 2009


in this city, it isn't always possible to tell who's in costume, but since today is halloween, we're making certain assumptions.

a good head on his um, shoulders?

trick or treat

green hornet

raggedy ann copping a smoke

the littlest pumpkin


superdog - guarding the liquorati


Wednesday, October 28, 2009

random shots around my city

game of go

can't wait

splendor in the grass, take one

and two

saints peter and paul church

yellow leaves, washington square park

when i am an old woman, i shall wear purple

for those days when one feels napoleonic


Sunday, October 25, 2009

beach and environs


foggy pier

hell's angels

the joys of grandparenting

oooh, horsey! no arrests were made in my presence.

mommy brigade

signage for those who don't already "know."

protective coloration

invisible guitarist

lambo fantasy - i tried not to drool on it in case the owner was watching.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

costumes, bad taste and a deadly serious bird


pigeon pizza - this bird successfully fought off several larger birds rather than share his big score. the vignette had a nursery school quality to it, and the red symbols in the road looked like giant bird claws.

home beer - home is where the beer is.

headless in san francisco

stylish - where are those fashion police when you need them?


Saturday, October 17, 2009

first party i've ever attended

at which the guest of honor was an earthquake. today is the 20th anniversary of the loma prieta earthquake which did spectacular damage to san francisco, especially the marina district, where i now live. the firemen roped off one block to give an impromptu party, but i think there should be parties every day to honor these brave and compassionate people who give so much to so many.

firemen and friends

war paint


get down


Friday, October 16, 2009

random snaps

raises questions about their parenting skills

when june cleaver meets morticia

morticia june with skulls

just what you want to see in your neighborhood

topless traveler

green swan

fruits of autumn

Monday, October 12, 2009

that ole itchy trigger finger

grand slam. this child repeatedly opened the newspaper machine and slammed it for at least 20 minutes before an adult claimed him. i hung around to make sure he didn't decide to chase cars or something, but his dedication to the task at hand never wavered.


looks like a cross between an orchid and a butterfly

more orchids

blue pots

green hearts