legs on haight street

This is a photo blog. There will be minimal text. In the case of guest photographers, credit will be given. All pictures not credited to someone else are mine. Truth is where you stand to look at a thing. My photos are my truth. Nobody was harmed in the making of these images.
These pictures make me want to visit SF again. I love that city.
So do I. It's a very alive place (with atrocious drivers.)
Thanks for coming by my second home.
Great signs! I love places with a little quirky character.
Was the cow part of the urban cow sculptures that some cities were displaying? We had some of those around town and now some of the businesses that were featured on the cows have them in or on their buildings.
I have no idea if the cow was part of anything. It's been hanging there for at least 3 1/2 years, as long as we've been living in SF.
I usually see the best stuff when I'm not packing a camera.
miss that place. lived there for many a year. sigh.
It's a wondrous city. You should come back, at least for a visit.
Thank you for your visit here today.
I love SF. I'll get back there some day. thanks for bringing back the memories.
It's really amazing. Everywhere you look in this city is beautiful.
I really need to put up some new pix.
OMG -- I actually remember seeing those when I went to San Francisco several weeks ago! I looooove Frisco... One of the best cities in the world, no doubt! I especially love visiting the noisy and cheeky seals in Fisherman's Wharf :)
Yes, it is a glorious city! I love living here.
Thank you for your visit. It's unusual for someone to come by here without having been to my primary blog, so I wonder how you found it.
Very funny and expressive, love the way you let pictures induce thought and not express and smother it in words. Thumbs up!
Thank you for your visit. I tried to check out your blog, but it wasn't listed on your profile page.
How can I find you?
I sent you an e-mail, hope it reaches you :) And thanks so much for taking an interest!!!
It did and I sent you one back. Please let me know if you didn't get it.
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