This is a photo blog. There will be minimal text. In the case of guest photographers, credit will be given. All pictures not credited to someone else are mine. Truth is where you stand to look at a thing. My photos are my truth. Nobody was harmed in the making of these images.
Hi Susan!
Your photos are gorgeous! I'm so glad you commented here so I could find them.
And I do have another blog, Guilty With an Explanation. The link is on this one, below my profile info. Please do come by.
never seen such things in Italy. Give us more of the forgotten Italians. We are fucking different here in Italy.
Looks like fun. I wish that we had those kind of street festivals in our city.
Yes, it's true. Italian-Americans are very different from native Italians.
I adore Italy!
San Francisco has a number of street festivals, always fun.
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