beagles prefer bartok
silver man
and the band played on
harmonica man
what about lincoln?
djembe man
adu jahmal & flip
hat trick
joy of sax
doggie dye jobs
This is a photo blog. There will be minimal text. In the case of guest photographers, credit will be given. All pictures not credited to someone else are mine. Truth is where you stand to look at a thing. My photos are my truth. Nobody was harmed in the making of these images.
The "47 Ford is the same as my brother's first car. Bet he wishes he still had it today. The dogs are stylin' aren't they?
The dogs were not wearing clothing, they were DYED those colors. Dogs are very forgiving of idiot owners.
The car was gorgeous! Highly shined, inside and out. Yesterday's old cars are today's treasures.
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