dead baby seal
dead seagull
big scene, small painting
hill of rolling children
This is a photo blog. There will be minimal text. In the case of guest photographers, credit will be given. All pictures not credited to someone else are mine. Truth is where you stand to look at a thing. My photos are my truth. Nobody was harmed in the making of these images.
Photos remind us that death is part of this life. We sometimes aren't comfortable with the inevitable death. But your photos are not morbid. They are "real life".
Thank you so much! I was hoping to honor these beautiful animals, so graceful even in death as we all hope to be.
And yes, denial of this basic fact of our existence only sets us up for horrible surprises which are really unnecessary. I guess you could say that dying is the price we pay for living, which is a good argument for living fully since we will surely be fully dead someday.
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